If there is one definition of great leadership, it is found in how that leader responds to a crisis. The great leaders, somehow, are able to use their power to get people to make sacrifices for the greater good, especially during the worst of times. They share their vision, where the sacrifices create a tide that lifts all boats. They get people seemingly to put the interests of their society, organization or community above their own interests. In reality, what they are doing is showing people the merit and value of aligning their interests with those of society generally. Artfully, they share the burden of addressing the challenge or solving the problem, with their constituents, and harness the collective energy of their constituents for the greater good. They encourage people to make choices in favor of society. Great leaders inspire and empower people to also be great.

In order to continue to grow and thrive as a nation, we need leaders who are visionary pragmatists; leaders who believe in progress not change for change’s sake, but above all, who believe. We need leaders who focus on what matters in our everyday lives, the money shots, not ideology and policy nuance. Not all change is good. Change can be scary if not properly managed. Progress, on the other hand, is generally incremental, foreseeable, and productive. It avoids the pitfalls of unintended consequences brought about by change, especially rapid change.

When we go to the polls, and as we prepare to do so, we cannot do better than to look closely at our candidates and ask ourselves the following: Who are the leaders? Which ones have the five Leadership Attributes – Vision, Voice, Courage, Charisma, Gravitas? What is their vision and how does it square with our own beliefs? Finally, how will they bring their vision to fruition and how will they pay for it? When we have answered those questions, and only then, we can say to that person at the poll:

I trust you to make decisions for me, that are in my best interest, and will give me and us a better future.

Then we will have the government we deserve.