What is the Character of a great Leader

Once we have defined a leader with Leadership Attributes, and we have a clear idea of our leader’s vision on the basic topics, outlined above, we can be fairly confident in our choice and move to the next level of analysis. This is where we ask the tough questions:

  • How bold is our leader’s vision, and how far does it extend beyond what is expected of a good leader?
  • How inspiring is our leader?
  • How well does our leader understand the world as a whole, and how to maintain American leadership in the world?

As a nation, we are becoming increasingly polarized, as is the world.

On the left we have the Democrats, controlled by those who call themselves the progressives and rally round socialism, free education, free health care, open borders, globalization, instant elimination of hydrocarbons and taxing the rich on income and assets to pay for it all. The Democrats are currently in a state of schizophrenia and dysfunction because they are struggling to find, let alone agree on, a vision and a voice with the courage, charisma and gravitas to capture the trust of their constituents. They have yet to find a true leader with the Leadership Attributes.

On the right, we have the Republicans, controlled by those who call themselves populists and agree that capitalism is the only way forward, borders are borders and no one gets in until we say so, isolationism works, we can’t be expected to halt the world’s economy for the sake of the environment, and if we simply leave government out of it all, the capital markets and the people will find a way to solve our social problems. The Republicans are currently in a state of euphoria, some more apprehensive than others, because they have a leader with Leadership Attributes and an economy that allows them to validate, for now, and tolerate, if not indulge an otherwise implausible leader.

By the way, this remarkable achievement deserves some attention, because most people are wide-eyed, baffled and incredulous, as to how this leader came to be. Part of the Democrats’ dysfunction is attributable to the outright shock of it all, that has left them paralytic and desperate, trying feverishly to figure out a way to defeat this interloper, this usurper, who has taken hold of the reins and is seemingly driving the four-in-hand carriage harem-scarum, across the manicured lawns of political convention.

Here is how he did it…