Real Leadership Matters Book Cover

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About the Book

In his book, Rob Day defines the characteristics of a modern-day leader. He discusses Vision, Voice, Courage, Charisma and Gravitas as essential for any real leader, and goes on to offer a vision for America and where leadership, with these criteria, would take us.

He looks into the future to describe how the world would look according to this vision addressing the key issues of Healthcare, Education, Jobs, Homes, the Climate and Environment, Foreign Policy and the Future for all of us.

Critically, he then goes on to describe how we would pay for such a vision, so that we are all included in what he calls the Accessible American Dream. The author uses the four Engagement Criteria of Economics, Geography, Military and Politics to evaluate potential economic partnerships around the world with specific focus on five regions: Middle East, China, Russia, Western Europe and Latin America.

Rob Day’s writing style is conversational, easily understood and very readable.